
A diary of my mothing activity covering highlights and photos from my moth trapping activities. Mainly Norfolk (UK), occasionally beyond. I may mention other wildlife sightings here, especially insects, but for birds see my birding diary.

Friday, 5 March 2021

Review of 2019 and 2020 - Moths: Tortrix Moths (Tortricidae) (Part 5: Conches I (Phtheochroa to Aethes))


Plain Conch Phtheochroa inopiana - Singles in the garden on 1st August 2019 and 16th July 2020.  I usually (but not always) see more than this.

female Plain Conch Phtheochroa inopiana, North Elmham, 16th July 2020

Rough-winged Conch Phtheochroa rugosana
- One in the garden on 29th June and one at Weybourne on 5th July 2019.  It took me until 2016 to record this species anywhere but since then I've had 1-2 here each year - up until 2020 when there were none.

Bluebell Conch Hysterophora maculosana - None.  I've not recorded this in my garden yet, and perhaps it's not all that likely as I think most records (all of mine at least) have been flying around bluebells in sunshine.

Straw Conch Cochylimorpha straminea - Singles in my garden trap on 17th and 23rd August 2019 and 15th August 2020.  Although I had 6 here in 2018 I'd only had 0-1 a year prior to that.

Straw Conch Cochylimorpha straminea, North Elmham, 17th August 2019

Water-mint Conch Phalonidia manniana - None.  One in my garden in 2018 was my first here.

Common Yellow Conch Agapeta hamana - Recorded on 37 nights between 1st June and 17th August 2019 involving at least 100 individuals (not counted every night).  This was my best year here, about 50% better than average.  A more typical 57 between 11th June and 16th August 2020.  Also recorded next door, at the meadows on numerous occasions (including on the earlier/later dates of 25th May and 3rd September in 2019), and at Weybourne.

Knapweed Conch Agapeta zoegana - 5 in the garden trap between 6th July and 16th August 2019 was slightly short of 2018's total but more than usual.   2020 was exceptional with 19 here between 17th June and 12th August (including at least 5 of the brown form ferrugana).  Also found next door, at the meadows and at Thompson Common.

Knapweed Conch Agapeta zoegana, North Elmham, 18th June 2020

Knapweed Conch Agapeta zoegana, North Elmham, 31st July 2020

Marbled Conch Eupoecilia angustana - 2 at Weybourne on 5th July 2019 and one at home on 9th July.  The latter was only my second for the garden following one in 2016.  None in 2020.

Marbled Conch Eupoecilia angustana, Weybourne, 5th July 2019

Marbled Conch Eupoecilia angustana, North Elmham, 9th July 2019

Yarrow Conch Aethes smeathmanniana - None in the garden in 2019 (for the second year running) but 4 in 2020 (3 between 21st and 25th May and one on 8th August).  I'd had 2 here in 2015 and again in 2017 but blank years every other year.  Elsewhere singles at the meadows on 22nd August 2019 and 17th May 2020.

Yarrow Conch Aethes smeathmanniana, North Elmham Cathedral Meadows, 22nd August 2019

Yarrow Conch Aethes smeathmanniana, North Elmham Cathedral Meadows, 17th May 2020

Yarrow Conch Aethes smeathmanniana, North Elmham, 25th May 2020

Downland Conch Aethes tesserana - 2 at Brancaster on 2nd July 2020.  I've never had this species locally but there are a few inland records so it's not out of the question.

Hemlock Conch Aethes beatricella - Singles in the garden trap on 29th June and 2nd July 2019, my second and third records here following one in 2017.  Also one at Weybourne on 5th July.  None in 2020.

Hemlock Conch Aethes beatricella, North Elmham, 29th June 2019

Hemlock Conch Aethes beatricella, North Elmham, 2nd July 2019

Long-barred Yellow Conch Aethes francillana - None.  I've never seen this species but although it's quite scarce there's no reason why I shouldn't find it locally.

Thistle Conch Aethes cnicana - None.  I've had one in the garden, in 2018.

Burdock Conch Aethes rubigana - Recorded in 2019 in the garden on 21st and 25th July, the meadows on 26th July and 4th August and next door on 7th August.  I've had 2-6 here each year since moving in until 2020 when I didn't catch any anywhere.

Burdock Conch Aethes rubigana, North Elmham Cathedral Meadows, 26th July 2019

Next page: more Tortricidae

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