Dave recently obtained permission from the NWT to trap at a number of their sites in the Brecks and Saturday before last we headed off to Cranwich Heath. Although getting late in the season it turned out to be another excellent evening.
Before turning the light on we had a quick wander round with the net to see what we could find flying at dusk - quite a bit including 20 Barred Grass-veneers
Agriphila inquinatella,
2 Breckland Plumes Crombrugghia distans and
Citron Plume Hellinsia carphodactyla. The latter was really interesting after the tricky Plume I had at home recently (
see here). This was almost identical save for two things - the outer and inner fringes of the first lobe of the forewing contrasted, suggesting
carphodactlya over
microdactyla (the previous one had the fringe too worn to call either way) and this one was slightly smaller. The previous one had been in the overlap zone so fitted either species, this one had a wing-span of around 16mm, marginally under the quoted range for
carphodactyla so pointing more towards
microdactyla. Unlike the previous one that proved (surprisingly) to be
microdactyla, upon dissection I was able to confirm this one as female
Citron Plume Hellinsia carphodactyla (female, gen det), Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Breckland Plumes Crombrugghia distans (upper female, lower male; gen det), Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Barred Grass-veneer Agriphila inquinatella, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
We identified 2 macros in the field that I thought I had not seen before:
Royal Mantle and
4 Feathered Gothics. As it happened I'd have seen Feathered Gothic that night anyway as I trapped one at home too. Royal Mantle was a very nice surprise - not only was it a new moth for both of us, a very attractive moth, a scarce moth and a Breckland speciality, but it was also unusually late. They normally fly in June and July and so far as I can tell from the Norfolk moths data the previous latest record was 2nd August, nearly 4 weeks earlier than this. It was a little worn but not as much as I would expect for such a late record, so I wonder if it was a second-generation? They're not supposed to have one but several species have started to have partial second generations in recent years that never used to.
Royal Mantle, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Feathered Gothic, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
At the time I thought this
Satin Wave was new too, but checking my records I find I had seen one before.
Satin Wave, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
The best of the micros weren't identified until after we got home. First was Vetch Sober
Aproaerema anthyllidella, another new one for me. I had high hopes for a
Depressaria species I retained, sure it was a species I had not seen often and suspecting it would prove to be a species that I had not seen at all before. On keying it out it appeared to be one of two species which would be second or third for Norfolk, but I needed to dissect it to be sure which one. Finally got to that yesterday evening and am pleased to say it proved to be Carrot Flat-body
Depressaria douglasella - the
second for Norfolk. The previous county record was from Dereham in 1997.
Carrot Flat-body Depressaria douglasella (male, and its genitalia), Cranwich Heath, 29th August - the SECOND FOR NORFOLK
Vetch Sober Aproaerema anthyllidella, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Two other micros were species I'd only seen once before: Body-marked Case-bearer
Coleophora clypeiferella and Gorse Groundling
Mirificarma mulinella. The
Coleophora is interesting as although it's not easy to positively identify from its external features it has a curious set of spines on the base of the abdomen which is quite unlike any of the other
Coleophora species. Apparently it is possible to see these without a full dissection if you brush away a few scales (though I didn't try that - I went the whole hog).
Body-marked Case-bearer Coleophora clypeiferella (female) and its abdomen plus contents, Cranwich Heath, 29th August - the distinctive spines are clearly visible at the base (right hand end in the photo) of the abdomen
Gorse Groundling Mirificana mulinella, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
We saw Tawny Wave here last time we were here but even so seeing
2 Tawny Waves tonight was a nice surprise.
Tawny Waves, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
The remainder of the macros were
Maiden's Blush,
2 Clay Triple-lines, Shaded Broad-bar, 4 Yellow Shells,
3 Purple Bars, Common Marbled Carpet,
Grey Pine Carpet,
2 Spruce Carpets, 10 Green Carpets,
Dark Umber,
Sharp-angled Carpet,
Small Rivulet,
Lime-speck Pug,
White-spotted Pug, 6 Tawny Speckled Pugs, Double-striped Pug,
Tawny-barred Angle, 2 Brimstone Moths, 2 Light Emeralds,
2 Pine Hawkmoths,
Lesser Swallow Prominent, 2 Black Arches, Dingy Footman,
2 Buff Footmen, Ruby Tiger, 6 Large Yellow Underwings, Lesser Yellow Underwing, 3 Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwings, Setaceous Hebrew Character,
2 Square-spotted Clays, 3 Square-spot Rustics,
Antler Moth, Common Wainscot, 2 Dun-bars,
Cloaked Minor, Lesser Common Rustic, Flounced Rustic and Straw Dot.
Clay Triple-lines, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Tawny-barred Angle, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Purple Bar, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Pine Hawkmoth, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Black Arches, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
White-spotted Pug, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Among the micros were 2 Common Purple-and-Golds
Pyrausta purpuralis - which I saw for the first time in the UK only this year - and 10 Straw-barred Pearls
Pyrausta despicata.
Common Purple-and-Golds Pyrausta purpuralis, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Straw-bnarred Pearl Pyrausta despicata, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
The other micros were Horse Chestnut Leaf-miner
Cameraria ohridella, Golden Argent
Argyresthia goedartella, Hawthorn Argent
Argyresthia bonnetella, Purple Argent
Argyresthia albistria, Wainscot Smudge
Ypsolopha scabrella, White-shouldered Smudge
Ypsolopha parenthesella, 2 Long-horned Flat-bodies
Carcina quercana, Brown-spot Flat-body
Agonopterix alstromeriana, Dusky Groundling
Aroga velocella, Hook-marked Straw Moth
Agapeta hamana, Knapweed Conch
Agapeta zoegana, 3 Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrices
Pandemis corylana, 4 Dark-triangle Buttons
Acleris laterana, Garden Rose Tortrix
Acleris variegana, Common Marble
Celypha lacunana, Birch Marble
Apotomis betuletana, 2 Rush Marbles
Bactra lancealana, Grey Poplar Bell
Epinotia nisella, Large Birch Bell
Epinotia brunnchana, Marbled Piercer
Cydia splendana, Round-winged Drill
Dichrorampha simpliciana, Elbow-stripe Grass-veneer
Agriphila geniculea, Chequered Grass-veneer
Catoptria falsella,
Brown China-mark Elophila nymphaeata, 8 Mother of Pearls
Pleuroptya ruralis, Rosy Tabby
Endotricha flammealis and Grey Knot-horn
Acrobasis advenella.
Hawthorn Argent Argyresthia bonnetella, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Purple Argent Argyresthia albistria, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
White-shouldered Smudge Ypsolopha parenthesella, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Brown-spot Flat-body Agonopterix alstromeriana, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Dark-triangle Buttons Acleris laterana (female above, 2 males below; gen det), Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Grey Poplar Bell Epinotia nisella (female, gen det), Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Birch Marble Apotomis betuletana, Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Didn't get much in the way of non-lepidopteran interest but a couple of bugs here...
Forest Bug (aka Red-legged Shieldbug), Cranwich Heath, 29th August
Phytocoris varipes, Cranwich Heath, 29th August